Ottawa Naturists / Naturistes de l'Outaouais

Rules and Bylaws

Contents | Français

1. Identification


Date of Issue and
Effective Date
2015-10-22 by a majority vote of the Board

Date of Ratification
2015-10-22 by a majority vote of members at the Annual General Meeting

This document supersedes the Ottawa Naturists / Naturistes de l'Outaouais Rules and Bylaws Version 6 approved on October 8, 2010.

These rules and bylaws apply to all members of the Ottawa Naturists / Naturistes de l'Outaouais (ON/NO). When you apply for membership you are promising to abide by the rules, and to assist to the best of your ability the Board of Directors in upholding the rules.

Approval Authority
Any changes to the bylaws may be made by a majority vote of the Board, but they must be confirmed or rejected by a majority vote of a quorum of the members. If this is not done, at the latest, by the Annual General Meeting following the Board's vote, the changes lapse and become void. If a rule made by the Board either lapses, or is rejected by vote of the members, the Board may not bring in any rule with similar aim or effect. Only a vote of the members can then be used to approve the rule.

The President of ON/NO.

Document Content
This document contains the following topics.

1. Identification
2. Definitions
3. Overview
4. Operating Principles
5. Requirements - Membership
6. Requirements - Meetings
7. Requirements - Board of Directors
8. Requirements - Etiquette
9. Authorities
10. Responsibilities
11. References

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2. Definitions

Naturism is a way to live in harmony with nature, characterized by social nudity, which favours self respect, the respect of others and that of the environment.

Non-landed Club
A non-landed naturist club is a club that does not have permanent facilities.

Board of Directors
The Board of Directors is a committee elected by the members to conduct the day-to-day business affairs of the Club, and commonly referred to as the Board.

Member in Good Standing
A member in good standing is a member who has paid any applicable annual fee for the current membership year and continues to meet the membership requirements prescribed in this document.

The Club
The Club, capitalized, in this document, refers to ON/NO.

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3. Overview

The Name of the Club
The Club is a Corporation with a bilingual name: "Ottawa Naturists/Naturistes de l'Outaouais", and is commonly referred to as "ON/NO".

The Concept of the Club
ON/NO is a non-landed naturist club, created as a social club for naturists of Eastern Ontario and Western Quebec, with a mandate to serve naturists of both English and French languages.

Objectives of the Club
The objectives of ON/NO are:
  • to promote naturism as being healthy;
  • to organize events of interest to naturists;
  • to represent the interests of naturists of both official languages;
  • to communicate their concerns to the pertinent levels of authority.
  • to promote the advancement and acceptance of naturism within the region; and,
  • to support National and North American naturist organizations in their promotion of the naturist cause.

Head Office of the Club
The head office of ON/NO is in the City of Ottawa, Ontario.

Seal of the Corporation
The ON/NO seal is held by the President of the Club, and is in the form impressed on the cover page of the original paper copy of this document. It is used by the Board when the Corporation issues a formal legal document, to positively identify that the document was issued by ON/NO.

Budget Year
The ON/NO fiscal year ends on the 31st of August of each year.

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4. Operating Principles

Role of Board of Directors
The members elect a Board of Directors, which is a committee to conduct the day-to-day business affairs of the Club. The Board:
  • seeks input and advice from the members at membership meetings;
  • directs the organization of Club events and meetings;
  • appoints and replaces Officers to organize events and conduct other business;
  • authorizes expenditures, and accounts for revenues; and
  • makes changes to the rules and bylaws as necessary or appropriate.

Limits on Expenditures
Members shall set limits on the amounts of expenditures which can be authorized by the Board collectively, and by individual Directors. Limits shall be set for the amounts that:
  • the Board collectively may authorize to cover social events and other expenses;
  • an individual Director may authorize to cover social events and other expenses;
  • the President, or the Pool Liaison Director or his/her designate, may authorize to cover facilities rentals; and
  • the Board collectively or an individual Director may authorize in any other expenditure category that the Board may present to the members for approval..
These expenditure limits shall be approved by a majority vote of a quorum of Members present or represented by proxy at an Annual General Meeting or a Regular or Special Members' Meeting.

Expenses in excess of the approved expenditure limits must be authorized by a majority vote of a quorum of members present or represented by proxy at an Annual General Meeting or a Regular or Special Members' Meeting.

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5. Requirements - Membership

Membership Application Process

To become a member of ON/NO, an applicant must:

  • complete the ON/NO Application Form;
  • acknowledge and agree with the definition of naturism and the objectives of ON/NO as described in this document;
  • agree to abide by the bylaws of ON/NO and any policies or rules established pursuant to these bylaws and to assist the Board of Directors in upholding the bylaws, policies and rules of ON/NO; and
  • pay the required annual fees.

First-time applicants for membership in ON/NO shall initially be granted provisional membership status and be issued a provisional membership card.

An applicant who is not of legal age must have his or her application co-signed by the applicant's parent(s) with legal custody or legal guardian(s) to provide the Club with a permanent record of legal consent.

An applicant shall be granted full membership status and be issued a full membership card only after attending three (3) ON/NO events and having had the back of his or her provisional membership card certified to that effect.  These events shall include at least one nude event and one meeting which may be a Members' Meeting, a Board Meeting or an Annual General Meeting. The Board can delay or refuse membership to an applicant and cancel an applicant's provisional membership status should the Board deem it to be in the best interests of the Club.

Cards and Expiry
All yearly memberships expire on the 31st of August. Membership cards are issued for each membership as follows: one card for single persons, or two cards for families, couples or any two members having the same mailing address. You may be asked to present your current membership card for admission to any ON/NO event. The card remains the property of ON/NO at all times and must be surrendered upon request.

Note: In order to unite all naturists and to help advance the acceptance of naturism across Canada, ON/NO maintains a club membership in one or more national naturist organizations, and strongly encourages its members to individually join a national organization. The Federation of Canadian Naturists (FCN) and the Fédération québécoise de naturisme (FQN) are both affiliated to the International Federation of Naturism (INF), and they along with The Naturist Society, are highly recommended by ON/NO.

Service to ON/NO Award
The Board may grant a lifetime waiver of the annual membership fee to a member or former member in recognition of lengthy or exemplary service to ON/NO.

Membership Fees
The annual fees for membership in ON/NO may be set by the Board, but any change must be confirmed by a majority vote of members at an Annual General Meeting or at a Special Meeting called for this purpose.

Cancellation of Membership
The Board may cancel your membership if you:
  • do not pay your membership dues or other monies which you owe to the Club for 60 days or longer; or
  • conduct yourself in a manner which they feel is not in the best interests of the Club. In this case, before cancelling your membership, the Board will make every reasonable effort to contact you and arrange a hearing, to give you an opportunity to speak so that a fair decision can be made.

Note: A written notice will be the preferred method for contact, but is not a requirement.


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6. Requirements - Meetings

Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting will be held in October of each year, but not in the week of Thanksgiving Day. At that meeting, the following items will always be on the agenda:
  • election of Board of Directors;
  • presentation of previous year's audited and year to date financial statements, and the following year's budget;
  • appointment of a financial auditor;
  • presentation and approval of the President's report;
  • review of membership fees; and
  • review of the rules (if necessary).

Notification to members for the Annual General Meeting will normally be given in the newsletter, but shall always be given at least ten (10) days prior to the meeting.

Special Meetings
A special meeting may be called at any time by the President, by the Board, or by a written request from twenty (20) members in good standing. Notification to members shall be given at least ten (10) days prior to the meeting.

Disbandment Meeting
A disbandment meeting is one that would be called by the Board if the Board has resolved to permanently end all naturist activities of ON/NO. Notification to members shall be given at least ten (10) days prior to the meeting. The procedure for Disbandment must be in accordance with the Ontario Corporations Act Chapter C38 Section 132, 230-241 under current Ontario Law.

Right to Attend
Every member in good standing has the right to attend and to participate in all debates at any of the members' meetings.

Note: ON/NO strongly encourages members to attend members' meetings as often as possible and to participate. The meetings are the only means to create a dynamic Club and generate new Club activities.

Voting rights
Every member in good standing are entitled to vote on any resolution presented at a members' meeting.

Voting Proxy
A member with a right to vote may be represented by proxy at any members' meeting. The proxy member must present a signed letter of proxy from the member he or she represents at the meeting. A member in good standing may exercise a proxy for only one (1) member at a meeting. A Director may exercise proxies for any number of members.

Voting Majority
All resolutions require a simple majority vote to be adopted.

The quorum for a members' meeting is twenty (20) members in good standing (including Board members) being present physically or by proxy. If the quorum is achieved at the beginning of the meeting, the meeting may continue and resolutions may be passed even if the quorum is no longer achieved later on in the same meeting.

Note: For a disbandment meeting, the quorum required is 50% plus one (1) of all members in good standing being present physically or by proxy.

If a quorum of members is not obtained at a meeting, and the Board deems it necessary, they may take special measures to obtain a vote in any way that they decide is reasonable and fair. This could mean sending ballots out with the newsletter, using a telephone survey, calling a Special Meeting to coincide with a naturist event, or other appropriate methods, so long as the entire membership is notified.

Minutes of Meetings
The minutes of preceding members' meetings shall be made available for viewing at all members' meetings. 

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7. Requirements - Board of Directors

Number of Directors
The Board of Directors consists of ten (10) members, of whom two should have French and English abilities.

Composition of Board
A majority of Directors cannot be members involved with commercial naturist businesses (for example, club owner, etc...)

Only members in good standing are eligible to be members of the Board.

Board Positions
Following each election of Board members, the Board members elect among themselves a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Director, Outaouais Director, Pool Liaison/Co-ordination Director, Social Convenor, Communications Director and one (1) other Director. The Board may combine positions in any reasonable way, and appoint members in good standing as Officers to any position other than those listed above.

Signature of Contracts
Any two of the President, Vice-President, Secretary, or Treasurer are authorized to sign contracts or other documents on behalf of the Corporation provided they are of legal age. The Board may approve the delegation of this authority in general or for specific types of documents. Any person authorized to do so by the Board may affix the Seal of the Corporation to such documents.

Term of election
The Board members' term of election shall be two (2) years from election date, and they may be re-elected for not more than three consecutive terms. To allow for continuity on the Board, normally five (5) Board members will be elected on alternate years. If a Board member resigns during the first year of his/her term, a replacement will be elected at the following election for a one-year term, to maintain the alternate year split.

The election term starts as soon as the election meeting is adjourned. If elections are not held, the present Directors remain in position until their replacements have been elected.

Remuneration of Board Members
Board members are volunteers and as such are not remunerated for their services.

Members may, from time to time, authorize and fix the amount of an honorarium to be paid to Board members for the year then ending. Any change must be approved by a majority vote of members at an Annual General Meeting or at a Special Meeting called for this purpose. The honorarium, if paid should be in a nominal amount suitable to help defray transportation cost and other out-of-pocket expenses voluntarily assumed by Board members. 

In the event of a vacancy on the Board, the Board may optionally appoint an eligible person to complete the year until the next election. The Board may continue to operate with vacancies as long as there are sufficient Directors to form a quorum for Board meetings, provided the rule on Composition of the Board is not violated. If the number of Directors falls below a quorum, a Special Meeting must be called to elect new members to the vacant positions.

Board Meetings
In order to get organized, the Board of Directors will meet as soon as possible following the election meeting of ON/NO members. They can meet at any time on call from the President or at least two (2) Board members. However they must hold regular meetings a minimum of five (5) times annually in January, March, May, September and November.

Quorum for Board Meetings
The quorum for Board meetings is four (4) directors, including at least one of the Executive, that is, the President, Vice-President, Secretary, or Treasurer.

Effective Date for Board Resolutions
Any rules or bylaws, modification or cancellation of any rules or bylaws, or changes to membership fees, including those requiring confirmation by the members, take effect as soon as they are approved by a majority vote of the Board.

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8. Requirements - Etiquette

It is impossible to put all the requirements of good naturist etiquette into this document, but members must take it upon themselves to learn what is acceptable and what is not. If you are not fully informed, talk to naturist friends and acquaintances, do some outside reading. Be open and above-board with people when interacting in a naturist setting. But above all, if you are in doubt about proper behaviour in a situation, err on the side of caution. The following items depict only the most important points.

Other Clubs and Beaches
Members must at all times respect the rules of other naturist clubs and beaches that they visit. Remember that the reputation of your Club depends on your behaviour, and if we lose our reputation, we will not be able to book facilities or landed clubs for our events.


While ON/NO does not presume to prohibit mutually accepted, affectionate gestures nor to govern the acts of consenting adults in private, sexual harassment has no place in naturism and is not tolerated at ON/NO events

Peace of mind and body for men, women and (especially) children is most important in a clothes-free environment. Naturism should be an enjoyable experience for everyone. ON/NO expects its members and guests to treat each another with dignity and respect

Any of the following constitutes unacceptable behaviour:

  • persistent staring, stalking or following;
  • voyeuristic positioning;
  • crowding of personal space;
  • masturbation or other sexual acts or displays;
  • any aggressive acts or threatening body language;
  • unauthorised photography/videography;
  • unwelcome communications, that is:
    • any unwanted advances, remarks, suggestions, solicitations, propositions, gestures, threats, ridicule, innuendo or comments of a crude, racial or sexual nature (especially when directed toward obviously unwilling or underage persons);
    • persistent attempts to engage another person in clearly undesired conversation; or
    • unsolicited comments about a person's body or genitalia;
  • unpermitted touching, that is:
    • any presumptuous touching of another persons' body without their consent (including hugs, massages or other familiarities);
    • any intentional touching of a minor without parental consent; or
    • any public fondling of a sexual nature.

ON/NO members and guests are urged to help maintain our relaxed, family, atmosphere by reacting, in a timely manner, to any situation they feel is unacceptable by the above definitions.  If possible, make your disapproval or unease known as soon as possible to the person who offended you, in an attempt to resolve the situation.  If the behaviour persists or if you are unable to speak with the person, bring it to the attention of a Board member.  Complaints shall be responded to and investigated without delay.  Confidentiality shall always be respected.

Harassment, as defined, can result in expulsion, revocation of membership and, where warranted, could lead to criminal prosecution.


In order to respect everyone's privacy and comfort level, the use of cameras and video recorders is generally not permitted at any of the indoor ON/NO nude functions and activities.  All photos require permission by three (3) members of the Board, and a Board member must accompany the photographer.

Photography is designated in this document as either private (initiated by an individual) or officially sanctioned (initiated for Club purposes and conducted by an individual assigned by the Board.)

If officially sanctioned photos are needed, an official photographer will be assigned by the Board and will be accompanied by a Board member.  Each situation, if possible, shall be well publicized prior to the event, with a time frame being specified.  In all cases of private or officially sanctioned photography, a loud and clear verbal warning shall be given immediately prior to the photo session.  To ensure communication for group photos, a show of hands shall be used to indicate the subjects’ approval.  This will ensure that no one is photographed without his or her knowledge and consent.  The Club shall strictly uphold the principle that no officially sanctioned photos will ever be published or exhibited outside the Club without the subjects’ permission.

In the case of officially sanctioned photography by a non-member, for example a naturist press or general press photographer, the Board shall obtain a written agreement between the Club and the photographer prior to the event, specifying the permitted uses of the photos.

In all situations other than indoor nude functions and activities, such as ON/NO landed club visits and other outdoor ON/NO nude functions and activities, private photography is permitted in accordance with the rules of the landed club if any, but you must first obtain permission of anyone being photographed.

If you take pictures at an ON/NO nude function or activity, before publishing them or using them outside the Club, you must obtain from the subject(s) a signed written model release that spells out what you are allowed to do with the pictures.  If your subject is a minor, the release has to be signed by a parent or guardian, or by the child with an attached permission signed by the parent.  And it is your own responsibility to ensure that your activities are within the law.

Even in the case of non-nude ON/NO functions and events, you must respect the privacy of those who do not wish to be photographed, and those who do not want their photograph used outside of ON/NO.


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9. Authorities

Authorities Table
The following table outlines the authorities within ON/NO:

The . . . Have the authority to . . .
Board of Directors
  • conduct the day-to-day operation of the Club;
  • direct the organization of Club events and meetings;
  • appoint and replace Officers to organize events and conduct other business;
  • authorize expenditures to a limit established by a vote of the members to cover social events and other expenses (Article 4.02);
  • restrict or expand the authority of individual Directors and Officers; and
  • make changes to the rules and bylaws as necessary.

Note: Expenditure authorization limits for the Board and for individual Directors may not be modified by the Board. A majority vote of the members is required.

Any two of the President, Vice-President, Secretary or Treasurer
  • sign cheques on behalf of ON/NO.
  • sign contracts and other documents on behalf of ON/NO, provided they are of legal age.
Individual Directors
  • authorize expenditures to a limit established by a vote of the members to cover social events and other expenses (Article 4.02).
Members at any members' meeting
  • authorize by a majority vote expenditures in excess of the Board limit and the individual Director limit, to cover social events and other expenses.
Members at the Annual General Meeting
  • elect Directors; and
  • make ultimate decisions within the Club, by majority, in regard to bylaws, rules, policies and orientation of ON/NO as well as its method of operation.

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10. Responsibilities

Responsibilities Table
The following table outlines the responsibilities of the Directors and Officers within ON/NO:

The . . . Has the responsibility to . . .
  • supervise and administer the affairs of ON/NO;
  • preside at all meetings;
  • direct the implementation of all policies and actions approved by the Board and members;
  • ensure Ontario Corporation Act Chapter 38 annual reporting is complete, copies maintained on file and mailed in a timely manner;
  • represent ON/NO at FCN meetings and other association meetings;
  • act as main media contact for Public Relations; and
  • act as custodian of the stamp or mechanical device used for affixing the Corporate Seal of ON/NO.
  • perform the duties of the President in his/her absence or when he/she is unable to do so;
  • act as the Corporation's Privacy Officer; and
  • assist the President as requested.
  • assist and act as secretary to all Board meetings as well as members meetings;
  • record minutes of all proceedings at such meetings;
  • deliver, or ensure that all notices are delivered to members and administrators; and
  • act as custodian of all books, papers, records, documents and other instruments belonging to ON/NO.
Communications Director 
  • acts as main media contact for Public Relations
  • review, redirect and respond to incoming e-mail; and
  • manage advertising campaigns approved by the Board
  • supervise the custody of the funds and fiscal records of ON/NO;
  • make all bank deposits on behalf of ON/NO;
  • keep all ON/NO books and documents according to law;
  • be accountable for all deposit monies and withdrawals of ON/NO funds; and
  • report to the Board or the members at regular meetings any significant financial transactions, as well as the overall financial situation of ON/NO.
Membership Director
  • maintain an up-to-date list of members;
  • issue new or renewal membership cards to members; and
  • return all monies and cheques received to the Treasurer.
Outaouais Director
  • maintain a bilingual capability;
  • represent the French-speaking population of the Outaouais;
  • be available to answer questions of concern from the French-speaking members;
  • act as liaison between these members and ON/NO Board of Directors; and
  • act as primary contact with the FQN.
Pool Liaison / Co-ordination Director
  • administer all pool events;
  • ensure the activities operate as established by the Board;
  • submit each session's statistics to the Board;
  • forward all admission fees to the Treasurer;
  • subject to Board approval, optionally delegate various tasks and duties necessary for the proper management and supervision of pool activities;
  • locate and negotiate for new pool locations as needed;
  • make pool reservations and negotiate rental fees, subject to the Board's direction; and
  • sign the pool contracts on behalf of ON/NO.
Social Convenor (Director)
  • administer or, subject to Board approval, delegate the administration of preparation and clean-up for social and recreational activities at all Club events;
  • solicit and co-ordinate volunteers for preparation and clean-up for social and recreational activities at all Club events; and
  • solicit ideas, and generate proposals and plans for new types of Club events and activities.
Web Administrator (Director/Officer)
  • design and maintain ON/NO's web page; and
  • update events page and forward all email queries to the appropriate individuals.
Newsletter Editor (Director/Officer)
  • produce, edit, arrange translation, and distribute the regularly scheduled bilingual newsletter; and
  • subject to Board approval, optionally delegate the proof-reading, production and distribution of the newsletter.

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11. References

Source References
  • Articles of Incorporation of the Ottawa Naturists / Naturistes de l'Outaouais

Related References
  • Ontario Corporations Act Chapter C38

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